Red and Blue Kazoo Campaign Talking PointsAttributes for nationalization of the kazoo:
World Unification CampaignFirst America, then the world! Broaden your range and band together internationally. Kazooing knows no boundaries and voices can be raised worldwide in no languages whatsoever. The Dutch, the English, and the Canadians are already kazooing their part—the Finns, the Chinese, the Japanese, and the Russians are all making themselves heard. Kazoodaphiles unite! The world must be made safe from Kazooists.It is time for the American sitting Congress to stand behind us and support the issue to make the kazoo the national instrument to keep America humming! To raise your voice in favor of the kazoo, don’t call us -- Contact your Senator or Congressperson. Snailmail or fax is the best way to reach them. Body of the text should be a request to “Please sponsor or support a bill to make the kazoo (an American invention) the national instrument to keep America humming!” To assist the Kazoo Campaign, complete and send this letter to express your view to elected officials. If you don ’t know the address of the elected official you would like to send this letter to, look on the internet or ask your librarian. To raise your voice in favor of the kazoo, don’t call us -- Contact your Senator or Congressperson. Snailmail or fax is the best way to reach them. Body of the text should be a request to “Please sponsor or support a bill to make the kazoo (an American invention) the national instrument to keep America humming! |